User permissions and rights
User permissions and rights

Multidisciplinary team

Coachbox and the multidiscplinary team: a perfect fit

User permissions and rights

Collaborate within your multidisciplinary team

Work together with a team where each coach or contributor has his or her individual expertise. Add users from different areas of expertise: Dietician, Osteopath, Podologist, Psychiatrists, Sports Doctor, Bikefitters, ... and collaborate on your athletes.

User permissions and rights

Define the teams rights & roles

Coachbox offers a wide set of features to define your collaborators' access to individual athletes or even modules of a single athlete. Every module shows a quick overview of who has access to what information so you don't lose track of each collaborators' access.

User permissions and rights

Coach as central figure

Coachbox views the role of the coach as the central figure in the coaching of the athletes. Review and act on input of your peers, but keep the reins as the main point in the counseling of your athlete. Collaborators can be added for free.

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