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Optimizing carbohydrate intake for endurance athletes: Recent insights

In the ever-evolving landscape of sports nutrition, the optimal carbohydrate intake for endurance athletes has been a subject of ongoing research. Recent studies suggest that pushing the limits of carbohydrate consumption during prolonged exercise may yield performance benefits, challenging traditional recommendations.

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Over time we collected a series of articles for you. Each of them are built upon specific topics. Read and find other related articles.

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a recovery method that uses extremely cold temperatures to reduce inflammation and muscle soreness. This type of therapy is becoming increasingly popular among endurance athletes, as it can help speed up recovery and improve performance.

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Blood restriction training, the good and the bad

Blood restriction training, also known as occlusion training, is a method that involves using a tourniquet-like device to restrict blood flow to a specific muscle group during exercise. The idea behind this method is that by restricting blood flow, the muscle is forced to work harder and adapt to the stress, leading to increased muscle growth and strength.

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What are the benefits of low-carb and ketogenic diets and is there any scientific evidence for it?

Low-carb and ketogenic diets are becoming increasingly popular among endurance athletes because they may have some benefits for performance and recovery. There are multiple potential benefits of low-carb and ketogenic diets for endurance athletes. Read more about them in this article.

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Why is rest so important?

Rest is an essential component of the super compensation model. Supercompensation is a physiological concept that describes the process of the body adapting to physical stress. It is the process where the body rebuilds and improves itself after stress, and it consists of three phases.

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How can you improve your VO2max?

VO2 max, also known as maximal oxygen uptake, is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can consume per minute during exercise. It is typically measured in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min).

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How to find a good balance between the overall volume or intensity in workouts when it comes to improving endurance?

Finding the right balance between overall volume and intensity in workouts is crucial when it comes to improving endurance. In this article you can find tips to help you find that balance.

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Does massage and compression therapy help effectively in the recovery process for an athlete?

Massage and compression therapy can be effective in helping with the recovery process for endurance athletes. There are a multiple ways that these modalities can help. We provide a short overview of them in this article.

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Which are the latest trends and research in endurance sports?

In a world that constantly pushes the boundaries of human potential, endurance sports have emerged as a captivating realm of physical prowess, mental resilience, and unwavering determination. Whether it's conquering grueling marathons, triathlons, or ultra-distance events, athletes worldwide are continuously seeking to surpass their limits and achieve extraordinary feats.

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Why should you add strength training to your running program?

In order to become a well-balanced and functionally fit runner, your training schedule should incorporate strength training two to three times per week. The addition of strength training to your weekly run training will make you a stronger and faster runner with a more efficient stride, and also aid in injury prevention.

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